Monday, March 24, 2008

The Bible, Homosexuals, and AIDS

You fags out there and all of your bleeding-heart liberal junkies think that just because you think you have the homo disease means you can have sex with other men, or in the case of lesboes, sex with other women. Well, I got news for you! Two halves can't make a whole without a hole, and I'm not talking about the butthole!

The Bible, written by GOD through the hands of his righteous vessels, strictly and harshly condemn your perversion. Homosexuality is a treatable, psychosomatic disease that you caught by your own free will! Everyday, we are exposed to this Faggy propaganda put out by such shows as Will and Grace, Chris Crocker, Pink Planet, and The L Word; and I for one have had enough of it!

Now, not all gays are bad, but they are still immoral. There is a stark difference between homosexuals and fags. I know some of you fags don't want me to say "fag", but I'm going to clear the air on the word "fag"! If you try to push your gayness on me, you're a fag. If you come out of the closet, you're a fag. If you leave me alone, you're gay, but not a fag.

Now I like to talk about AIDS! AIDS was first brought to the public eye in the early 70's, and all of the people that the researchers studied who had AIDS were homosexual men! You and your kind have brought this debilitating illness upon our society and you should be ashamed. And it's not just homo sex that caused AIDS! Heterosexual anal sex is also the cause of AIDS! However, the majority of anal sex practiced is homosexual! You are to blame for this illness and in effect the moral decay of America and the West! Now I know why Iran doesn't like you; because you will spread the fag disease like a wildfire down there.

So, if you are a gay fag, repent from your wicked perversion and put your life in the hands of the LORD all mighty. If you don't repent, spend eternity in hell. Then you'll know why we call you "flaming"!

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